ASHEVILLE— The North Carolina Athletic Directors Association recently completed a very successful 41st annual state conference at the Grove Park Inn.
Commissioner Davis Whitfield of the NCHSAA addressed the athletic directors on a number of topics in the final session of the conference. NCHSAA staff members Que Tucker and Carolyn Shannonhouse led a session earlier in the state meeting.
The athletic directors in attendance had the opportunity to hear an array of outstanding speakers on a variety of subjects, including legal issues in athletics, the use of sexually violent language in coaching, and current issues in high school athletics as well as take Leadership Training Courses through the National Federation program.
Jim Grobe, head football coach at Wake Forest, was a keynote speaker and Mike Ayers, head football coach at Wofford, was the speaker at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes breakfast. Outstanding high school and college football official Brad Allen also addressed the convention attendees.
Jerry McGee serves as the executive director of the NCADA.