North Carolina High School Athletic Association

NCHSAA Board Of Of Directors Meets

CHAPEL HILL – The North Caroilna High School Athletic Association Board of Directors concluded its spring meeting on Wednesday at the Simon F. Terrell Building by taking a number of actions.

Among the items approved was the realignment plan for 2009-13, with Board accepting the proposal the Realignment Committee recommended without any changes.

In other actions, the Board:

–Changed penalty code to include 365-day suspension from eligibility for student-athlete who has utilized falsified information, starting with the 2008-09 academic year

–Recommended some type of preseason power point presentation relative to eligibility rules of the NCHSAA for preseason meeting presentation to athletes as well as coaches; mandated for coaches prior to the sports season they coach; also that it is made available to parents as well as guidance counselors and other administrators

–Approved NCHSAA staff developing an eligibility checklist for use at the member schools, to be signed by principal and athletic director at each member school

–Mandated the sharing of eligibility forms by all schools in each sport in a particular conference

–Approved of the two-year football calendar, for 2009 and 2010

–Recommend continuing current system of weekly weigh ins for wrestling

–Approved two-year trial period for locations for championships in dual team wrestling, going with two in the East and two in the West each year starting in 2009

–Made several adjustments in women’s golf qualifying in state tournament: the top four teams qualify with best three scores, regardless of individual position; if school does not finish in top four but qualifies three individuals, school could compete as team at state finals; a team could still qualify players four and five if their scores were among the best qualifying scores; remaining individual spots, based on the percentages for that regional, that number of best scores would advance to state finals

–Made eight-quarter rule for football permanent since the two-year experimental phase is over

–Approved one year trial basis for 3-A swimming for qualifying in 2008-09, to bring eight fastest times in East and eight fastest in West to the finals, and then the eight overall fastest times to complete field. Staff then will bring in committee to evaluate the process after the one-year experiment.

–Approved insurance recommendation, with catastrophic the same cost as last year and all-athletic insurance premiums reduced

–Approved refund to schools for deficit, lost revenue or excessive travel for football

— Endowment is now at $11.5 million, with fifty percent restricted; money will also be returned to schools for interest on Endowment, with $232,910 allocated out, with $100,000 being returned to schools to help offset cost of catastrophic insurance; $36,910 going to offset cost of some events in Winston-Salem after sponsorship failed, with $86,000 going for previously approved program to provide AEDs to selected schools

–Accepted ejection report, noting concerning that ejections are up 95 percent overall, including up in football 188%, men’s basketball up 148%, men’s soccer up 85%, wrestling down 15%, women’s basketball down 25%

Charlie Adams, executive director of the NCHSAA, said, “It was a really strong performance from the Board in some critical issues, and our Board members did quite a bit of work over the last couple of days tackling some things that needed to be addressed.”