North Carolina High School Athletic Association

Heat Illness Prevention for Summer Workouts

All athletes participating in off-season skill development must have a valid PPE on file. Make a note of any athletes with a history of heat illness, sickle cell trait, or if an athlete is on certain medications. These athletes are more at risk for heat illness. 

All athletes should begin each workout adequately hydrated.

Remember that the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Index and Athletic Activity Chart must be followed, even during summer workouts.

  • Consider scheduling workouts for the early morning and/or late evening hours to avoid the mid-day heat and humidity.
  • All coaches should have the Emergency Action Plan at their specific venue, and all participants should be aware of the plan and know his/her responsibility if an emergency occurs. 
  • An AED should be available and accessible.
  • Immersion Tubs or methods for rapid cooling should be readily available, with ice easy to access.
  • Remain cognizant of guidelines regarding lightning and thunder disturbances.