North Carolina High School Athletic Association

Special Section for Students and Parents on NCHSAA Website

         There is a section of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association website that should be of particular interest to students and parents: maybe you haven’t noticed, but it even bears the names Students & Parents in the navigation bar on the top of the home page!

         The information there has links that both athletes and their parents or custodians will find useful, especially in the health and safety arena.

         There is detailed information about the Gfeller-Waller Concussion Awareness Act, which is law in North Carolina, as well as a link A Parent’s Guide To Concussions, a great summary of information that provides fact about concussions, what parents and custodians can look for, and how concussions can affect school work.

         In Health and Safety, there is also information about skin conditions and infectious disease, which can sometimes be an issue in wrestling because of the nature of contact between the competitors, as well as sickle cell disease.

         Parents can find specific information about conduct at games and the code of sportsmanship, in addition to information about hazing and the NCHSAA felony policy.

         We hope students and parents will take advantage of the many specific resources for them available at the NCHSAA web page.

