North Carolina High School Athletic Association

South Lenoir To Name Facilities For Trio

       DEEP RUN—South Lenoir High School will name three facilities on its campus for men who spent the majority of their careers at the Lenoir County school, according to the Kinston Free Press.

       The facilities will named and dedicated at 6:45 p.m. tonight (August 21), prior to South Lenoir’s season opening football game at home against Spring Creek.

       The school’s athletic complex will be named for Bobby Davis, Jr., while the track will be named for Linwood Hartsell.  The football stadium is being named for Tom Salter.

       According to the story, the trio has combined for a whopping 129 years of coaching and administrative experience at South Lenoir.

       South Lenoir, built in 1964, was created through the consolidation of the four community high schools of Deep Run, Moss Hill, Pink Hill and Southwood.

       Salter became principal at South Lenoir in 1970 and maintained the position until retiring in 1999. While spending most of his 37 years at South Lenoir as principal, Salter also coached basketball and football early in his time there.  He also had a term on the North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors from 1991 through ‘95.

       Davis was a teacher, coach and athletic director at the school who became principal at South Lenoir after Salter’s retirement.  He retired in 2005 after 41 years at the school.

       Hartsell has been a history teacher at the school and also coached several sports. In all he has had an amzing 51 years of service at South Lenoir.