North Carolina High School Athletic Association


a quick question concerning rules, regulations and policies of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association



Q: How does the NCHSAA attendance requirement for eligibility work now?

A: The NCHSAA attendance requirement was changed by the NCHSAA Board of Directors back at its May 2014 meeting.

     Rule 1.1.4 in the current NCHSAA Handbook states that “a student-athlete must meet the LEA attendance policy during the previous semester at an approved high school.” So for eligibility now, the student-athlete must have met the local attendance policy of the LEA for the spring semester, whatever that policy happens to be.

     There is no longer the statewide attendance policy, nor do waivers come to the NCHSAA for attendance since the policy, similar to how the local promotion standards operate, is based on local standards.