North Carolina High School Athletic Association

National Federation Involved In Hazing Prevention Essay Contest

INDIANAPOLIS—The NFHS has supported the work of HazingPrevention.Org (HPO) in the past, but this year the organization is taking a leadership role in bringing hazing prevention to the high school audience.

The NFHS is a general sponsor of HPO but, more specifically, is the sponsor of the National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) High School Essay Contest. In the past, the contest has been open to high school and college students. Beginning this year, the contest will be exclusive to high school students and will feature more and larger awards for contest winners.

National Hazing Prevention Week was September 23-27, but the deadline for the essay contest has been extended. The goal is to attract more high school students to submit essays for the contest. By enabling HazingPrevention.Org to present a greater number of awards, we will attract more students.

Bob Gardner, executive director of the National Federation, says, “The NFHS is encouraging more students to think about hazing prevention, to learn more about it and to perhaps begin to turn the tide on the issue.” HPO will be able to promote the contest directly to high school students, teachers, coaches, counselors and administrators.

In addition, the NFHS Citizenship and Equity Committee will assist HPO’s Contests and Awards Committee with judging the essays submitted for the contest.

Entrants in the 2013 NHPW High School Essay Contest should submit 500-word essays relevant to the theme, “Challenge Hazing. Challenge Yourself.” Students should write about ways they welcome new members to their group, team or organization, then how that challenges them on a personal level.

Cash prizes of $500, $250 and $150 will be awarded for the top three essays nationwide. One honorable mention will be awarded for each of the NFHS eight regional sections with each of those winners receiving a $50 gift card.

Guidelines for the NHPW High School Essay Contest are available at Deadline for the contest is midnight, Sunday, December 1, 2013.