North Carolina High School Athletic Association


NCHSAA Board Of Directors Completes Spring Meeting

 CHAPEL HILL— The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors completed its spring Board meeting on Wednesday at the NCHSAA offices.  “The Board had a number of very difficult issues to address,” said Davis Whitfield, commissioner. “We had a very challenging and comprehensive agenda, and, in the end, the Board was thoughtful and…

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Takes Action At Winter Meeting

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Takes  Actions At Winter Meeting CHAPEL HILL– The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors completed its winter Board meeting on Thursday at the NCHSAA offices. One of the significant changes the Board made is the elimination of the “pod” system for NCHSAA football playoffs in 2-A, 2-AA, 3-A,…

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Completes Spring Meeting

CHAPEL HILL— The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors completed its spring Board meeting on Wednesday at the NCHSAA offices.   “The Board had a very productive meeting over the past two days,” said Davis Whitfield, commissioner. “We had a very challenging and comprehensive agenda but the Board members engaged in thoughtful…

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Completes Spring Meeting

CHAPEL HILL— The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors completed its spring Board meeting on Wednesday at the NCHSAA offices. Among the major items was the decision to return additional monies to the NCHSAA member schools, to preserve the Student Services program and a change in the preseason conditioning requirements for football….

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Completes Winter Meeting

NCHSAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS HOLDS WINTER MEETING CHAPEL HILL–The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors ended its three-day winter meeting on Wednesday at the Simon F. Terrell Building here. The meeting concluded with a press conference where commissioner Davis Whitfield answered questions. Among the action items from a busy series of meetings…

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Has Regular Meeting

NCHSAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO MEET CHAPEL HILL — The semiannual meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. The full Board will have a working day on Tuesday, November 30, when committees meet to discuss possible changes and review rules and regulations….

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Completes Spring Meeting

NCHSAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS COMPLETES SPRING MEETING CHAPEL HILL–The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors concluded its two-day spring meeting on Wednesday. A number of items were discussed and approved by the Board that had been recommended by a sub-committee which has studied travel, length of seasons and cost containment issues. Those…

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Holds Winter Meeting

NCHSAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS HOLDS WINTER MEETING CHAPEL HILL – The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors ended its three-day winter meeting on Wednesday at the Simon F. Terrell Building in Chapel Hill. The Board received nine recommendations from a special Athletic Safety Task Force. President Bill Harrison, superintendent of Cumberland County…

NCHSAA State Cross Country Summaries

1-A,2-A CHAMPIONSHIPS OWEN WINS THIRD STRAIGHT MEN’S 2-A TEAM TITLE CLEMMONS — Black Mountain Charles D. Owen High School won its third North Carolina High School Athletic Association men’s 2-A cross-country championship in action at Tanglewood Park on Saturday. Owen tallied 56 points to 76 for runner-up West Henderson, while Orange was back in third…

NCHSAA Board Of Directors Makes Changes At Spring Meeting

CHAPEL HILL —The North Carolina High School Athletic Association Board of Directors held its semiannual board meeting at the Simon F. Terrell Building earlier this week, and there were a number of agenda items that were discussed. As is customary, the first day of the Board meeting was devoted almost all day to committee work,…

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