North Carolina High School Athletic Association

NCHSAA announces winners of 2022 Clary Medal Scholarships

CHAPEL HILL – The North Carolina High School Athletic Association is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 William Clary Medal scholarship. This year’s recipients are Savannah Godfrey from Harnett Central High School and Samuel Whitt from East Surry High School. Winners of the Clary Medal are awarded a one-time $3,000 scholarship and a commemorative plaque.

Savannah Godfrey | Harnett Central High School

Savannah Godfrey, a senior at Harnett Central High School, has been a member of the cross country team for four years and the soccer team for three years. Additionally, she ran spring track during her freshman year. She earned the Freshman Phenom Award at the start of her career and earned a spot in the State Championships at the close of her high school career. Savannah was selected for several recognition awards during her senior year.  Savannah's community service includes much work with local food banks and was chosen to be on the Toys for Tots Leadership Team. She will be choosing from 3 universities here in North Carolina to continue her education in criminal justice. A thought from Savannah – “I live by a phrase that my grandfather taught me years ago, ‘When things in life get rough, bow your neck and get in there’. I hope at the end of my career, I can say that I bowed my neck and got in there, no matter how hard it was, and that I made the world a better place.”

Samuel Whitt | East Surry High School

Samuel Whitt, a senior at East Surry High School, has been a member of the football and track and field teams throughout his entire high school career. In his junior year he was selected as the Conference Offensive Player of the Year and was ranked 4th Best Offensive Lineman in North Carolina. During his senior year as team captain, Samuel was recognized by several organizations for outstanding athletic ability. Samuel was inducted into the National Honor Society in his junior year. His volunteer work includes a recycling bin campaign and organizing food and blood drives. He led incoming freshmen through team building exercises and escorted them on tours of the school during Freshman Orientation Day. Having been accepted to six colleges and universities he will pursue a political science career at one of those. A thought from Samuel – “Lessons and skills learned on the athletic field, such as hard work, dedication, respect, and self-confidence are all easily applied to the classroom.”

About the Wilburn Clary Medal

The Clary Medal is made possible through the generosity of the Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation and annually recognizes an outstanding male and female varsity student-athlete participating in varsity competition in at least two NCHSAA-sanctioned teams. The award is based on the individual’s excellence in athletic participation, extra-curricular activities and community service. Each recipient of this medal exhibits a desire to excel in all areas of life – athletics, education, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, honesty and integrity.

Wilburn Clary’s athletic career involved coaching, officiating and administration. He coached several sports at the Methodist Children’s Home for almost 30 years, was an outstanding official on the high school and collegiate level and served as the executive secretary of the Western North Carolina High School Activities Association from 1949-1977 until it merged with the NCHSAA. Mr. Clary was the first collegiate football official to be inducted into the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame.