North Carolina High School Athletic Association

NCHSAA Involved With NCADA Conference

     ASHEVILLE—The North Carolina Athletic Directors Association concluded another very successful state conference earlier this week at the Omni Grove Park Inn, and a number of members of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association staff were involved in the conference.

     This cooperation is just one of several examples of the great relationship between the two organizations.

     NCHSAA Commissioner Davis Whitfield was the culminating speaker at the conference, outlining some issues both in the state and nationally that would be of interest to school athletic directors.

     Deputy commissioner Que Tucker spoke at a major session. Many of her points centered around changes that were made in rules and regulations by the NCHSAA Board of Directors at its winter meeting.  She also talked about sportsmanship and urged schools to think about what is being done at the local school level to promote good sportsmanship.

     Other NCHSAA staff members, including Mark Dreibelbis, Carolyn Shannonhouse and Rick Strunk, helped with breakout sessions that were done by individual classifications. There athletic directors shared their opinions on various topics, such as seeding in certain sports, realignment and other topics. Pepper Hines assisted with many of the logistics for the conference.

     Many of those involved with the athletic directors’ organization, including members of their Board of Directors and NCADA executive director Jerry McGee, worked hard to make the conference a success.