North Carolina High School Athletic Association

Northeast Basketball Officials Association Booking Agent Selection Process

Memorandum Regarding Northeast Basketball Association Booking Agent Vacancy

To: Athletic Directors and Officials of Northeast Basketball Association Member Schools

From: Mark Dreibelbis, Assistant Executive Director

Date: March 12th, 2007

Athletic Directors and Officials:

This memorandum is to notify your school of the resignation of Mr. Ralph Heidenreich, Booking Agent, of the Northeast Basketball Officials Association effective March 11th, 2007. Below is the timeline in which the NCHSAA is functioning to replace Mr. Heidenreich in a timely and efficient manner:

March 12th, 2007 – Application Process Opens

March 23rd, 2007 – Application Deadline

April 2007 – Interview Process TBA

April 27th, 2007 – Final Recommendations to NCHSAA

May 1st, 2007 – Presentation of Selected Booking Agent to NCHSAA

Board of Directors for Approval.

Interested Applicants should go to and click on officiating to review the selection process for booking agents and review criteria and application procedures. These applications should be received by Mark Dreibelbis, Supervisor of Officials, PO Box 3216, Chapel Hill, NC 27515, no later than March 23rd, 2007.

A Selection Committee designated for this assignment will conduct the interviews during the month of April. Recommendations will be made by the committee and presented to the NCHSAA Board of Directors in May for approval.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mark Dreibelbis

Assistant Executive Director

Supervisor of Officials

Tra Waters

Officiating Administrator