North Carolina High School Athletic Association

Realignment Information


Approved May 2023 at Annual Meeting

For purposes of athletic competition, the number of classifications shall be based on the total number of member schools, with no classification exceeding sixty-four schools.

When at least 25 percent of the total number of member schools, or at least half the schools in a classification, participate in a sport sanctioned by the NCHSAA, that sport shall culminate in a state championship for that classification. When less than half of the schools in a classification participate, those schools shall be grouped with schools from the next largest classification(s) not having fifty percent participation in that sport to create a state playoff bracket culminating in a multi-class state championship. If only one classification has less than fifty percent of schools participating in a sport, the schools in that classification shall have a reduced playoff bracket by one round. If that is not possible, then the schools of that classification shall be placed in the state playoffs of the next highest classification.

The initial classification plan using this format will be effective with the 2025-26 school year and shall solely use the ADM figures averaging the daily membership in grades 9,10, 11 and 12 for the first month as submitted to the State Department of Public Instruction. The classification and alignment plan shall be adopted by the Board of Directors every four years and will be effective for a four-year period.

Schools may request reclassification in the second year of the alignment period by following the process published by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall distribute to all member schools and systems annually the process and criteria for classification and alignment, the process for requesting reclassification in the second year of the alignment period, and the process for appealing the classification and alignment decisions of the Association. (Approved April 2023, 335-49)

NCHSAA Handbook, Pages 16-17

Region 1

  • Mickey Drew–Principal, Perquimans High; 1A
  • Chad Williams– Athletic Director, First Flight High; 3A

Region 2

  • Steve Clarke–Principal, Richlands High; 3A
  • Tim Bennett–System AD, Craven County

Region 3

  • David Hackney–System Athletic Director, Durham Public Schools; 2A/3A/4A
  • Travis Seese–Athletic Director, Athens Drive High; 4A

Region 4

  • Chad Hill–Athletic Director, Union Pines High; 3A
  • Ryan Stone–Athletic Director, Grays Creek High; 4A

Region 5

  • Brad Fisher—Athletic Director, RJ Reynolds High; 4A
  • Leigh Hebbard–System Athletic Director, Guilford County Schools; 2A/3A/4A

Region 6

  • Brad Hinson–Athletic Director, Cox Mill High; 4A
  • Craig Smith–Executive Director, Community School of Davidson; 2A

Region 7

  • William Bell–Athletic Director, Forbush High; 2A
  • Casey Rogers–System Athletic Director, Burke County Schools; 2A

Region 8

  • Frank Maennle–Athletic Director, Andrews High; 1A
  • Trevor Putnam–Superintendent, Haywood County Schools; 3A


  • Ericia Turner–System Athletic Director, Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools


  • Stephen Fisher–Superintendent, Cleveland County Schools
  • Tod Morgan–Assistant Principal / Athletic Director – Topsail High School

Affiliate Members

  • Joe Franks—NC Coaches Association
  • Roy Turner—NC Athletic Directors Association

For purposes of athletic competition, four classifications are identified—AAAA, AAA, AA and A. When at least 25 percent of the total number of member schools, or at least half the schools in a classification participate in a sport sanctioned by the NCHSAA, that sport shall culminate in a state championship for that classification. When less than half participate, those schools shall be grouped with schools from all other classifications not having fifty percent participation in unclassified state playoffs. If only one classification has less than fifty percent participation, the schools of that classification shall be placed in the state playoffs of the next highest classification.

The classification and alignment plan shall be adopted by the Board of Directors every four years, and will be effective for a four-year period.  Schools may request reclassification in the second year of the alignment period by following the process published by the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall distribute to all member schools and systems annually the process and criteria for classification and alignment, the process for requesting reclassification in the second year of the alignment period, and the process for appealing the classification and alignment decisions of the Association.

2022-2023 NCHSAA Handbook, Page 16

October 2020 

October 27, 2020—Realignment Committee Meeting by Zoom; review regional meeting information and discuss factors being considered for inclusion in the process

October 29, 2020—Realignment Committee votes on the final process for 21-25 Realignment Process to be sent to NCHSAA Board of Directors

November-December 2020

November 4, 2020—Board of Directors meets to review and discuss Realignment Process Proposal from Committee

November 13, 2020—Staff reviews final information for inclusion in the realignment process

November 17, 2020—Staff posts information for membership online

December 10, 2020—After review by the Realignment Committee, the First Draft of the Realignment Plan released to the membership

January 2021

January 8, 2021—Deadline for schools to submit concerns or adjustments desired to the initial draft. The submission process will be clearly defined and include an online component. Any requests, concerns, or suggestions must be submitted in the appropriate designated fashion. This includes suggestions for conference affiliations or agreements among schools that agreed to be in a conference together.

January 13, 2021—Realignment Committee meets to review schools’ submissions and make adjustments as appropriate.

January 14, 2021—Second draft distributed to schools for review

January 21, 2021—Deadline for schools to Appeal the second draft in writing, using the defined submission process, including concerns, suggestions/solutions. Appeal only if a school has been changed or affected by the initial draft changes due to the pandemic; all appeals to the committee will be virtual.

January 27-28, 2021—Realignment Meetings by ZOOM are held, one for the East and one for the West. Appealing schools will have an opportunity to address the second draft:

  • Eastern Webinar on January 27 & Western Webinar on January 28
  • Details of the format will be shared closer to the dates.

February 2021

 February 3, 2021—Realignment Committee meets and considers making further conference adjustments.

 February 4, 2021—Committee issues the third draft.

 February 10, 2021 (If necessary)—Deadline for final appeals to Realignment Committee. Must be received in writing at NCHSAA by this date. For schools whose conference membership has been altered somehow from previous drafts.

February 17, 2021 (if necessary)—Final appeals to Realignment Committee. Realignment report is then submitted to the Board of Directors.

March-August 2021

 March 2021—NCHSAA Board of Directors hears any final appeals based on procedural errors. (Exact date TBD) Board votes on 21-25 Realignment Plan

August 1, 2021—New 21-25 Alignment begins