The NCHSAA Student-Athlete Advisory Council was developed to serve as the voice for student-athletes participating in NCHSAA programs. They will discuss topics relevant to high school student-athletes and develop ways to maintain a positive athletic experience. Each council member must exemplify leadership and sportsmanship while carrying out the NCHSAA and the Student Services Division’s overall missions.
The NCHSAA Student-Athlete Advisory Council is comprised of 26 members who represent each NCHSAA region and more than 200,000 athletic participants. Selected SAAC members will come from a diverse pool of rising high school Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who meet the following minimum criteria.
- Meet all student-athlete compliance standards as outlined in the NCHSAA Handbook
- Possess leadership characteristics
- Viewed as positive role models in their community and at their school
- Capable of working with students from a variety of social groups
- Exemplifies the tenets of Student Programs and Sportsmanship (Character, Integrity, Citizenship, and Respect)
- Current SAAC Members
- Graduated SAAC Members
- SAAC Fillable Nomination form (Send application to Evan Sauer |
- Serve a two- or three-year term as a Sophomore, Junior, and Senior
- Host the NCHSAA Student Leadership Conference
- Attend all scheduled meetings, including the team building retreat that is held in the summer
- Volunteer to work at one (1) NCHSAA State Championship Event
- Present a SAAC Report at your respective Regional Meeting and the NCHSAA winter and spring Board of Directors’ Meeting
- Complete at least one (1) group community service project
- Coordinate and Host a student-athlete regional assembly
- Participate in any Public Service Announcement projects
- Host Speaking engagement at the coaching clinic
Please note that some SAAC responsibilities may change over a member’s term. The Council may be asked to participate in projects not listed above.
Nomination & Selection
To nominate a student-athlete for the NCHSAA Student-Athlete Advisory Council, please review the nomination packet and discuss it with your coaches, teachers, and counselors.
Efforts will be made to ensure that as many NCHSAA sports are represented as possible across the eight regions. Our office will accept Nomination Applications from January 1 through May 31 each year. Final selections will be made by Mid June. The selected members will be informed and sent information regarding SAAC responsibilities.
Introducing the 2023 Student Leadership Conference (April 22, 2023)
Closing the 2023 Student Leadership Conference
Introducing the 2024 CMS&NCHSAA Student Leadership Summit (February 2, 2024)
Closing the 2024 CMS&NCHSAA Student Leadership Summit
Introducing the 2024 Student Leadership Conference (April 26, 2024)
Closing the 2024 Student Leadership Conference
2024 Coaching Clinic (July 16, 2024)
Introducing the 2024 Enka&NCHSAA Student Leadership Summit (April 7, 2025)