North Carolina High School Athletic Association

Unique Tribute To The Late Stuart Scott From NCHSAA Member School


     In the last 48 hours, tributes have poured in from many sources after the news of the death of remarkable ESPN anchor Stuart Scott.

     There was even a moment of silence for the University of North Carolina graduate before the Tar Heels faced Notre Dame in a basketball game at the Smith Center on Monday night.

     But here is a tribute that perhaps you haven't seen– from the school newspaper at R.J. Reynolds High School, from which Stuart graduated and where he participated in athletics. Editor-in-chief Sam Doughton– who never met Scott but attends the school from which Scott got his high school diploma– writes a very interesting perspective along with some fascinating pictures from Stu's high school days.

     R.J. Reynolds should be very proud of its school newspaper, with which former High Point Enterprise sports writer and now teacher Steve Hanf works.

     We welcome your clicking on the link below for a look at the late Stuart Scott that you won't see anywhere else: